Walkatrout is the Omnitrix’s DNA sample of an Ickthyperambuloid from the planet Gillie’s-Perambulos Promenade.
Height - 1 Ft
Body - Humanoid Fish
Slippery Body - Walkatrout is a small fish-like alien that naturally secretes a mucus substance from his body. This makes him incredibly slippery to grab and hold on to, allowing him to escape grasps and tight places.
Small Size - Walkatrout is about a foot tall from feet to fin, helping him squeeze into small places due to no bones.
Adaptive Breathing - Walkatrout is able to breathe both on land and in water.
Dry Environment - Walkatrout needs moisture to stay healthy, so if his environment is very non-humid, he could dry out quickly and pass out.
Small Size - His small frame places a problem with large opponents, making him an incredibly ineffective fighter.
Small Limbs - His fins are small and flimsy. So he can’t punch, push, or even hold onto things.