Unitaur is the Omnitrx’s DNA sample of a Deefister from the planet Centoria.
Height - 8 Ft
Body - Centaur
Centaur Physiology - Unitaur has the upper body of a humanoid and the legs of an Earth horse, so he is essentially built for transportation and labour.
Enhanced Speed - His legs can run up to 70 m/ph, sprinting for over 2 hours with no tiring out. His hooves also rise in temperature as he runs, leaving behind a trail of fire in his hoof prints.
Enhanced Senses - Unitaur’s smell and hearing are incredibly advanced, able to track scents and hear something from miles away.
Sharp Horn - Unitaur’s horn is incredibly sharp, able to pierce most metals and body armour. He can also charge it with static electricity for more powerful piercing.
Tripping - Unitaur’s legs are vulnerable to tripping and falling at fast speeds.
Capacity Limit - He can carry up to four people at a time, so too many can be a pain for him to hold.