Thornblade is the Omnitrx’s DNA sample of a Maceroot from the planet Flors Verdance.
Height - 12 Ft
Body - Cactus Arachnid
Enhanced Strength - Thornblade is a large cactus-like alien that possesses incredible strength and durability due to his layered plating.
Regeneration - Due to being a plant-like organism, Thornblade regenerate his body if any part of it gets damaged at an incredibly fast rate, including his head.
Thorn Growth - Thornblade’s body is covered in sharp and durable thorns, he can grow additional skewers on any part of his body at a fast rate. These thorns can easily stab through steel.
Hallucinogenic Liquid Generation - Thornblade naturally sweats and secretes a liquid with high hallucinogenic properties. If any person drinks this liquid, they will experience wild hallucinations, muscle spasms, and intoxication similar to alcohol.
Environmental Merging - He can merge with any kind of plant life, Earth and Alien. He can also change his color in order to camouflage better.
Fire Vulnerability - Being a plant-based alien, Thornblade is vulnerable to fire and other flammable substances.
Regeneration Prevention - Although he can regenerate extremely quickly from almost anything, he can be prevented from doing so if repeatedly attacked.