Terraspin is the Omnitrix’s DNA sample of a Geochelone Aerio from the planet Aldabra.
Height - 7 Ft 5 In
Body - Bipedal Tortoise
Aerokinesis - Terraspin can manipulate air through his holes and flippers, thus creating powerful wind blasts and tornados.
Flight - By retracting his legs into his shell, he can use his three large flippers to rotate around his body at high speeds. He can use this as propellers in order to fly, blowing air to hover over a surface.
Enhanced Strength - Terraspin is able to hold multiple people on his shell while flying and he can throw a car with ease.
Gas Immunity - Terraspin is immune to poisonous gas and toxins.
Enhanced Durability - His shell is near indestructible, he can retract all of his fins and his head into his shell for extra protection. It can even deflect mana itself.
Tough Environments - There are certain things that Terraspin's wind blasts are not strong enough to break.
Slow Speed - Unless he is flying, Terraspin's body is cumbersome and not very agile. Thus he walks pretty slowly and he can’t run at all with any of his limbs.
Terraspin in hover mode