Synaptak is the Omnitrx’s DNA sample of an Elias from the planet Knapsat.
Height - 5 Ft
Body - Cephalopod
Telekinesis - Synaptak is an octopus-like creature that possesses telekinesis. He can mentally lift objects several times his own body weight as well as multiple objects at once.
Energy Projection - In conjunction with his telekinesis, Synaptak can focus it into psionic blasts made from pure energy. This energy can be hot enough to melt steel and stone.
Technopathy - Synaptak can mentally link with electronics and machinery in order to control them. This extends to a digital consciousness that he can implant in electronics, making a digital avatar of himself in the process.
EMP - Electro-magnetic pulses can seriously interfere with his powers and mental state. Knocking him out for a few seconds and shutting his powers down in the process.
Weak Frame/Squishy Body - Synaptak’s squishy body can pose a problem for larger and stronger opponents.
Throughout his hero career, Ben regularly joins up with the elite superhero team, The Galactic Enforcers. A group backed up by the plumbers who use their extraordinary powers to defend the galaxy, abiding by the Galactic Code of Conduct. The team included an Elias named Synaptak, whom Ben gradually got along with despite hating each other at first. On one mission however, Synaptak was beaten to death by Vilgax. With his dying words, he gave Ben his DNA sample in order to avenge him and finally saw him as a hero. In honour of him, Ben named this transformation after him.