Sunspot is the Omnitrix’s DNA sample of an Icracian from the planet-like star Elias.
Height - 17 Ft
Body - Phantom
Solar Energy Generation / Manipulation - Sunspot is essentially a living sun. He can generate, absorb, and manipulate solar energy which can be used for a variety of effects such as immense heat to burn and melt objects, bright light, raw nuclear energy, magnetic fields, and generating solar storms.
Sun Manifestation - Sunspot can create and shape stars at any size and stage by accelerating the process. These suns can produce heat, radiation, gravity, light, and a multitude amount of energy.
Flight - He is able to fly at very fast speeds.
Space Survivability - He can breathe in a vacuum.
Environmental Hazard - His power can be extremely dangerous if he exerts too much, the amount of solar radiation can damage nearby civilians in both short and long term.
Sun Generation - His suns are exactly what they are, any being close to them will experience radiation, heat, and even disintegration. They even generate their own gravity.
Energy Absorption - If someone either absorbs his power or he uses too much of it, he will be drained severely and will need to recharge to generate more.