Squirtapiller is the Omnitrix’s DNA sample of a Roebekampus Multipede from the planet J'Hamba.
Height - 10 Ft
Body - Caterpillar
Chemical Compounding Sludge Generation - Squirtapiller has the ability to take different substances, organic and inorganic, and churn them into a compound with the viscosity range of a basic smoothie to a liquid cement. With Squirtapiller's unique enzymes blended in, he can easily control how fast the substance dries.
Indestructible Stomache - Squirtapiller can eat virtually any substance with little to no consequence. These materials are stored and mixed in his stomach for future use.
Wall Crawling - Squirtapiller’s centipede-like body grants him the ability to climb on vertical surfaces with ease.
Sensitive Body - Squirtapiller has a soft and squishy body with no armour. As such he is susceptible to many attacks and can be bested head on.
Decreased Speed and Agility - Squirtapiller body and short legs makes him slow and reduces his ability to move easily