Spitter is the Omnitrix’s DNA sample of a Sphoeroid from the planet Scalpasc.
Height - 5 Ft
Body - Humanoid Puffer-Fish
Presurised Slime - Spitter is able to puff up like a balloon to spew out a highly pressurised stream of slippery slime, strong enough to knock a car 50 meters away. This slime is also conductible with electricity.
Gas Ports - There are four ports on Spitter’s body. With them, he can release an incredibly strong noxious gas that could knock out anyone within a minute.
Sharp Teeth - Spitter's teeth are sharp enough to chop through steel.
Gas Immunity - Spitter its natural immune to all types of poisonous gas due to having no nostrils
Enhanced Strength - Spitter is strong enough to wrestle beings bigger than himself.
Slime - Spitter can accidentally slip on his own slime if he isn’t careful.
Conductivity - Due to his slime being highly conductive, Spitter and any ally can be unintentionally shocked.
Lack of Speech - Spitter lacks vocal cords due to his slime storage. Thus he is unable to speak English.
Spitter Bloated with Slime