Spidermonkey is the Omnitrix’s DNA sample of an Arachnichimp from the Planet Aranhaschimmia.
Height - 4 Ft
Body - Multi-Limbed Primate
Web Generation - Spidermonkey can shoot streams of webbing from his two tails. This webbing can bind anything it sticks to as it is strong as steel and malleable as rope. He can use this to bind enemies, trap targets, and swing from high places with ease.
Wall Crawling - He can crawl on virtually any vertical surface with ease. He can support objects 10 times his own weight with just one hand.
Enhanced Strength - Despite his size, Spidermonkey can lift objects several times his own body weight, easily lifting 10 tons with all four arms.
Enhanced Agility - He possess superhuman agility, dexterity, and flexibility that gives him a great advantage in combat. Able to leap long distances and run on all four limbs. His tails is are also prehensile.
Enhanced Senses - He can smell fragments unknown to the human nose. He has eight eyes surrounding his head to allow 360 degree sight and night vision.
Web Entanglement - Spidermonkey is susceptible to being tangled in his own webbing, it takes him a minute or two to break out of it.
Strength and Durability Limit - Whilst he is super strong, stronger opponents can overpower him and he can get knocked out with powerful blows.
Temperature Changes - His fur is super reactive to high and low temperatures. Intense heat can make him pass out from sweat.
Small Size - He is around 4 feet tall, so larger opponents can be a problem if not treated right.