Snot Rocket
Snot Rocket is the Omnitrx’s DNA sample of a Maxatomar from the planet Mandis IV.
Height - 5 Ft
Body - Humanoid Dinosaur
Mucus Generation - Snot Rocket’s nostrils can generate a large amount of slime that can either be a sticky adhesive or a slippery substance. His nose can shoot like a pressurized hose.
Durable Skin - Snot Rocket’s hide is incredibly tough, able to withstand bullets and fire easily. This also grants him some level of strength, particularly his nose.
Battering Tail - Snot Rocket can use his flat-spiky tail to batter enemies and wreck areas.
Awkward Appearance - Snot Rocket’s top heavy head and large tail makes it hard for him to move at a normal pace.
Sticky Mucus - His mucus can trap his allies and be a hindrance to them