Shriek is the Omnitrix’s DNA sample of Chiroscutin from the mystical realm of Ledgerdomain.
Height - 1 Ft 5 In
Body - Pixie
Mana Manipulation - Shriek can manipulate a unique energy called mana, as his body is literally made of it. Using it to make forcefields and shoot laser beams out of his antenna and tails.
Sonic Scream - He can emit a powerful pink ultrasonic shriek that can cause considerable damage to his targets as well as destroy glass and machinery.
Flight - He can fly at fair speeds whilst holding things larger than him with his tails.
Magic Immunity - He is immune to magic based powers and artefacts.
Illumination - His bright aura can allow light in the dark and using his shriek for echolocation helps in the dark as well.
Energy Absorption - His energy can be absorbed and redirected back at him.
Loose Limbs - His tails and antenna can be grabbed by enemies and fling him around which makes him loose balance.
Lack of Magic interest - Whilst he has the potential to learn magic, Ben doesn’t really care to learn it in this form, so he can’t really do magic.