Shocksquatch is the Omnitrix’s DNA sample of a Gimlinopithecus from the planet Pattersonea.
Height - 12Ft
Body - Ape-Like
Electricity Generation - Shocksquatch can generate large amounts of strong yellow electrical charges from his body and his mouth.
Electromagnetic Manipulation - By covering objects with his electricity, Shocksquatch can telekinetically move them. He can also attract metal to his body at a fast rate.
Enhanced Strength - Shocksquatch is physically really strong, able to throw a car with ease and swing a light post like a bat. He can enhance his punches with his electrical charges for more impact.
Enhanced Agility - Shocksquatch is incredibly agile, able to jump several metres and utilise his feet act extra hands for climbing.
Force Field Generation - Shocksquatch can generate an electric force field for protection.
Insulation - Shocksquatch is helpless while being insulated, unable to discharge electricity at all.
Electricity Absorption - Shocksquatch is weak against enemies who can drain electricity, as he can be tired easily when drained.