Shock Burst
Shock Burst is the Omnitrx’s DNA sample of a Najichepodite from the planet Horonjia.
Height - 7 Ft
Body - Cephalopod
Shockwave Generation - By harnessing energy from a small amount and then amplifying it, Shock Burst can create an immense amount of visible luminous shockwaves that are concussive in nature and can knock large opponents off their feet and destroy titanium steel walls.
Flight - Shock Burst can fly by concentrating his shockwaves under himself and using them to propel himself upward.
Shockwave Sphere Creation - Shock Burst can condense his shockwaves into spheres of various sizes in order to make them act like bombs that explode with concussive force upon impact.
Boneless Body - His body possesses no bones, thus granting him enhanced agility, dexterity, reflexes, acrobatics and jumping.
Shockwave Overuse - If Shock Burst overuses his shockwaves either by too much magnitude or too long a time, or a mix of both, it’ll tire him out or even render him unconscious.
Originally Created by Crystal Bear Wingblazer