Shellhead is the Omnitrix’s DNA sample of a Relounian from the planet Perska.
Height - 9 Ft
Body - Tortoise
Durable Shell - Shellhead is covered in a highly durable amour-like shell, he is able to retract his head and arms within his shell and curl his tail around for extra protection.
Enhanced Digging - Shellhead can burrow into the ground at high speeds.
Spinning Force - Whilst he is encased in his shell, he can spin himself around on any surface and zoom through on his bottom-side (his tail).
Slow Mobility - Shellhead’s body shape (along with his heavy shell) makes him very slow on foot. He needs to spin in his tail for quick mobility.
Balance Issues - His body shape can be difficult to balance as his legs are very stumpy, which can cause him to trip over when caught off guard.