Salamodo is the Omnitrx’s DNA sample of a Coastal Manzardill from the planet X’Nelli.
Height - 6 Ft 5 In
Body - Quadruped Reptile
Underwater Breathing - Salamodo can breathe underwater, he is able to dive to incredible depths without being crushed by pressure.
Enhanced Swimming - Due to his aquatic nature, Salamodo is a fast swimmer, able to swim as close to the speed of sound.
Water Spit - Salamodo can store large amounts of water in his body and thus shoot it out as a pressurized stream of water from his mouth. This stream can knock back large enemies and push a truck.
Enhanced Strength - Salamodo is naturally strong, pulling a boat with no struggle and biting through solid steel with his jaws.
Dehydration - Due to his aquatic nature, Salamodo needs to be constantly hydrated to stay alive. He can survive for around 5 minutes outside of water.
Constant Movement - Like Earth sharks, Salamodo needs to constantly move in the water for his gills to breathe water.