Ripjaws is the Omnitrix’s DNA sample of a Piscciss Volann from the planet Piscciss.
Height - 7 Ft 5 In
Body - Humanoid Fish
Adaptive Breathing - Ripjaws is able to breathe underwater through his gills as well as normal air for a certain amount of time.
Tail Formation - Whilst on land, Ripjaws has two humanoid legs with claws at the end. But in water, he can combine his legs into a shark-like tail in order to swim as fast as sound.
Glowing Lure - The lure on his head can glow bright enough for him to see in pitch darkness.
Strong Jaws - His teeth are sharp and strong enough to slice through steel with one bite. His jaw can dislocate itself, allowing him to extend his mouth span over triple his head size.
Enhanced Strength - Ripjaws can shred through metal and concrete with both his teeth and claws. He is also strong enough to lift a boat with passengers on his back.
Dehydration - Being an aquatic alien, he is reliant on water and hydration. Being only able to stay above water for over an hour before needing to hydrate,
High Temperatures - Fire and other high temperature elements will easily incapacitate Ripjaws if there is no water around.
Ripjaws in aquatic form