Pill Grub
Pill Grub is the Omnitrx’s DNA sample of a Grub from the planet Tarr Com.
Height - 2 Ft
Body - Humanoid Insect
Sphere Transformation - Pill Grub has an extendable exoskeleton in his back that he can wrap around himself into a sphere. He can roll himself at high speeds to become a living wrecking ball.
Mucus Barrier - Pill Grub’s skin naturally generates a thin layer of mucus, making his skin incredibly slippery.
Tough Exoskeleton - Pill Grub’s exoskeleton is durable enough to deflect bullets and survive a fall from a great height.
Weak Frame - Pill Grub’s small size and body shape poses a huge problem from larger opponents. Making him a highly inefficient fighter and combatant.
Flammable Skin - His mucus is highly flammable. Causing pain to his skin when it’s ignited.