
  • Overround is the Omnitrix’s DNA sample of a Latixius from the planet Huli.

    Height - 1 Ft 6 In

    Body - Spherical

  • Levitation - Overround can float around like a balloon, essentially defying gravity at fair speeds, he can float around for hours without tiring.

    High Durability - Overroundis durable enough to be bounced around by larger enemies and not be hurt too much.

    Multiple Limbs - His multiple arms allow him to complete any number of tasks.

    360 Degree Vision - Overround has. eight eyes around his body, allowing to see all around him in a 360 degree view.

  • Small Frame - Overround is only about a foot tall/wide and is about as strong as a human toddler, so larger enemies can pose a problem.

    Weightlessness - Overround is literally lighter than air, so people can hit him with small force and send him flying, and strong winds can blow him away uncontrollably.

Originally created by Elmike9.