Octo-Psyche is the Omnitrix’s DNA sample of a Ravos from the planet Xenear.
Height - 8 Ft
Body - Cephalopod
Enhanced Flexibility - Octo-Psyche has a squishy and malleable body that is extremely flexible and reflexive, able to fight multiple opponents at once with just his arms.
Precognition - He possesses the ability to foresee possible futures and observe what may happen, therefor knowing what will happen within a given amount of time.
Danger Intuition - These vision can range from seeing the possible punches of an enemy to the death of someone within a few hours. He can also sense immediate danger and avoid it on reflex.
Possible Outcomes - His visions only see possible futures and it is up to him to either change it or keep it as is, which can result in uncertainty and even confusion.
Precognition Focus - He sometimes sees the future and the present simultaneously, resulting in his sense of direction and perception becoming disorientated.