NRG is the Omnitrix’s DNA sample of a Prypiatosian-B from the planet Prypiatos.
Height - 6 Ft (Normal) 8 Ft (Suited)
Body - Humanoid
Radioactive Energy Generation - NRG is a being composed of highly radioactive energy that can fire powerful heat beams through the vents in his containment suit, enabling him to melt solid metal and rock through mere contact.
Indestructable Suit - NRG wears an armoured protective containment suit to keep civilians safe from radiation poisoning. This is suit is borderline indestructible as the only substance that can damage it is rare Taydenite.
Heat Generation - NRG can manipulate the heat from his body to make his armour incredibly hot, burning those who touch it. He can even extend this ability to melt nearby objects.
Enhanced Strength - Through his suit, NRG is strong enough to crash through walls and punch a car in half. He can also fight much larger opponents fairly equally.
Radiation Immunity - Both NRG and his suit are immune to radiation and extremely hot environments.
Energy Absorption - NRG can absorb high amounts of radioactive energy through his suit on contact.
Dangerous Lingering Radiation - Due to the dangerous radiation his body gives off, NRG must stay in his suit for the safety of others and keep his radiation level to a minimum. There are downsides to this, as most of his abilities when outside the suit are limited.
Electricity - Due to his metallic suit, electricity can harm him greatly as it is energy he cannot absorb.
Extinguishable Material - NRG's powers can be negated when exposed to enough water or. fire extinguisher.
NRG Outside of his Suit