Nightslasher is the Omnitrix’s DNA sample of a Malthusian from the planet Photys-B.
Height - 9 Ft 5 In
Body - Wendigo
Energy Projection - Nightslasher can project large amounts of energy from his bones and his mouth. This energy can either be a burning energy to melt steel or a concussive beam to blast enemies.
Energy Blade Projectiles - He can make his spikes radiate with this energy and shoot them out as projectiles.
Energy Claws - His energy can be stored in his sharp claws and make them cut even more deadly.
Enhanced Agility - His skinny appearance allows him to possess great agility and even some form of enhanced strength.
Limited Energy - Nightslasher does not have limitless energy, though the Omnitrix automatically provides him with some energy, this can run out. In which case he will have to recharge because the energy within him will deplete with use.
Weak Spots - His exposed bones are pretty sensitive, good strikes to them can cause pain and even paralysis to him.