Monsworm is the Omnitrx’s DNA sample of a Larval Dipteroid from the planet Turrawuste.
Height - 30 Ft (Long)
Body - Worm
Acidic Phlegm Generation - Monsworm is a large worm-like alien that can spit large amounts of acidic slime from his mouth, This acid is potent enough to melt metal instantly.
Sharp Teeth - Monsworm’s teeth are tough and sharp enough to chew concrete.
Enhanced Strength - His large body equates him with a large amount of strength and durability.
Echolocation - The large pink bulbs on Monsworm’s back allow him to navigate around his surroundings using echolocation.
No Eyes - Monsworm has no eyes so he relies on his echolocation in order to navigate.
Lack of Speech - Monsworm cannot speak, he can only communicate through grunts and roars.
Sensitive Bulges - Monsworm’s bulges are incredibly sensitive to physical blows.
Originally created by Noah Watts