Mind Messer
Mind Messer is the Omnitrix’s DNA sample of a Sceptar from the planet Viswadna.
Height - 5 Ft 10 In
Body - Humanoid
Illusion Casting - Mind Messer can project life-like illusions in the minds of other beings, effectively making them see what he sees as reality.
Mind Paralysation - Mind Messer can “pause” someone’s mind and freeze their mobility in place. Like he’s freezing them in time.
Levitation - He can levitate himself in the air at a short distance.
Meditation - Mind Messer can bring himself to a complete tranquil state in seconds. Allowing him to ponder deep thoughts and ideas that Ben would never have thought of.
Concentration - Mind Messer needs to concentrate deeply in order to meditate. All sorts of distractions can interrupt his state.
Mindless Beings - His illusions don’t work on beings without real intelligence, such as AI, dead beings, and animals.