Migraine is the Omnitrix’s DNA sample of a Frikiastikos from the planet Ponokéfalo.
Height - 9 Ft
Body - Humanoid
Fear Toxin Generation - Migraine can emit a hallucinogenic cloud of vapor from his mouth. When inhaled, this vapor makes people imagine their own worst fears into becoming a reality. There is virtually no being in the Universe that can fight the potency of this fear toxin.
Telepathy - Migraine can read people’s thoughts, and thus be able to see what they are afraid of.
Elasticity - Migraine has multiple tentacle-like fingers that he can stretch at will. This not only helps him reach very far, but they can also aid his illusions for more effective fear tactics.
Enhanced Strength - Migraine is strong enough to lift multiple people/heavy objects with his tentacles.
Durability Limit - Migraine is not a combative transformation as he is just as durable as a regular human being.
Bystanders - Migraine’s gas can be inhaled by anyone close to him, so allies and bystanders will witness their worst fear if they breathe it in.
Overwhelming Personality - Migraine is very cold and distant, showing no empathy for his enemies which aids his fear tactics.
Emotionless Beings - Beings that lack sapient emotion or survival instincts, such as drones and robots, would be immune to Migraine’s gas.
Originally created by Xander Arnot.