Kitebound is the Omnitrix’s DNA sample of a Petaurus from the planet Thanjon.
Height - 5 Ft 7 In
Body - Humanoid
Enhanced Agility/Stamina - Kitebound possesses superhuman agility, dexterity, and flexibility that gives him a great advantage in combat and traversal. He is able to leap extremely long distances, run on all four limbs without losing stamina, swing through varied obstacles, and achieve perfect balance. His tail is also prehensile.
Gliding - He has extendable wing flaps under his arms that let him glide great distances with enough wind. He can maneuver through the air expertly from any height.
Sharp Claws - Kitebound’s razor sharp claws are great hunting weapons and help grab and climb onto any surface with ease.
Lack of Wind - Kitebound needs wind and velocity in order to glide, otherwise he would just stay on the ground and be defensibly in the air.
Weak Frame - Whilst he is strong, he’s no stronger than an average human, and thus can be overpowered by much larger opponents.
Originally created by Galactic Matrix