Jumbbell is the Omnitrx’s DNA sample of a Kweltikwan from the planet Quelte Quan (Alternate Universe).
Height - 9 Ft 5 In
Body - Boulbous Humanoid
Enhanced Strength - Jumbbell possesses a high amount of strength. Powerful enough to throw cars easily and carry multiple people.
Enhanced Durability - Due to his large frame and enhanced strength, Jumbbell is durable enough to withstand heavy blows and energy attacks, including explosions.
Super Intelligence - Jumbbell has an extremely high intellect. Expertly able to solve problems and build machinery at a fast pace, specializing in the fields of biology, chemistry, and mechanics. Although he’s not as smart as Galvans or Cerebrocrustaceans.
Durability Limit - Whilst Jumbbell is large and durable, he is still susceptible to high level damage and can be knocked out.
Hydrophobia - Jumbbell is naturally afraid of water.