Jetray is the Omnitrix’s DNA sample of an Aerophibian from the planet Aeropela.
Height - 5 Ft 9 In
Body - Humanoid Manta-Ray
Flight - Jetray can fly at supersonic speeds, reaching between mach 2 and 5 in seconds. He can fly even faster in a vacuum.
Neuroshock Beams - Jetray can fire a unique from of energy out of his eyes and tail. This energy can paralyse whoever is zapped by it for a few minutes. It can also be used as a laser to melt things.
Adaptive Breathing - He can breathe in the air and underwater for long periods of time. He can even hold his breath in a vacuum.
Hyperspace Entrance - He can fly at hyperspace in a vacuum at full capacity, due to no wind resistance, allowing him to travel across solar systems in minutes. But this tires him greatly.
Enhanced Strength - He can carry people and heavy objects with his feet and tail.
Enhanced Agility - Due to being a flyer, he can manoeuvre through obstacles with ease and grace.
Sharp Tail - His tail can pierce through metal and slice through concrete with ease.
Neuroshock Beam Reflection - Jetray is susceptible to his own beams, paralysing him in the process, but it only lasts a few seconds.
Restricted Land Movement - His small legs make him a slow walker.
Strength Limit - Whilst he’s pretty strong, he can’t cary things with his arms.
Thick Skin - His neuroshock beams can’t paralyse people with thick skin and armour.