Jam Jar
Jam Jar is the Omnitrx’s DNA sample of a Bodni Manzardill from the planet X’Nelli.
Height - 4 Ft
Body - Quadruped Reptile
Slime Generation - Jam Jar can generate a sticky jelly-like slime from his mouth and gills. This slime is incredibly sticky, able to trap any enemy like a web and allow him to swing from high places. This slime is also edible.
Enhanced Agility - Due to his lizard-like appearance, Jam Jar is extremely agile and flexible, able to climb on walls and crawl at a fast pace.
Sharp Horn - Jam Jar’s horn is sharp enough to pierce through metal and cut through wood with ease.
Flammable Jelly - Jam Jar’s slime is flammable, so he must be careful if any thing that ignites it.
Low Temperatures - Jam Jar’s slime can be frozen by cold temperatures.
Frail Body - Jam Jar’s reptilian body is susceptible to being physically overpowered by stronger opponents, he’s about as strong as a regular human.