Intangisaur is the Omnitrix's DNA sample of an Etherius Igua from the planet Deisdon.
Height - 9 Ft 5 In
Body - Humanoid
Density Shifting - Intangisaur possesses the ability to control his own density and thus subtract or multiply his own weight to limitless degrees.
Flight - He can decrease his density to the point of being light enough to levitate through the air at fast speeds.
Intangibility - His density can decrease beyond weightlessness to achieve intangibility, allowing people and energy to pass through and even walk through solid objects.
Enhanced Strength and Durability - He can increase his weight to the point that he can weigh as much as the moon. Becoming strong enough to throw trucks and durable enough to survive falling from the atmosphere.
Prehensile Tail - His dinosaur like tail can grab onto objects.
Space Survivability - He has the ability the survive in a vacuum.
Selective Density States - He can only shift his weight one at a time and thus not be intangible whilst also having super strength.
Surrounding Damage - His increased weight can cause structural damage to whatever he's standing on.