Impath is the Omnitrix's DNA sample of an Endomar from the planet Perthag.
Height - 5 Ft
Body - Multi-limbed Quadruped
Emotion Manipulation - Impath can manipulate the emotions of other beings to make them feel whatever he wants either through touch or looking into their eyes. With this he can change and even enhance emotions for devastating effects, such as sending enemies to a blinding rage so they attack one another, overwhelming them with sadness or incontrollable fear to the point of madness, or even optimistic hope for inspiring others.
Self Emotional State Manipulation - He can also enhance his own emotional state for effects like going into a berserker fighting rage, sympathy, relaxation and reasoning, or even becoming emotionless all together for logical thinking.
Enhanced Agility - He is also very agile and has some degree of enhanced strength, combined with his four arms makes him effective in combat and climbing.
Mirrors - Mirrored surfaces can make his powers backfire on himself and have him be overwhelmed with his own emotions.
Emotionless Beings - His powers will not work on emotionalises being like robots or people who have abandoned emotion.
Emotional Aftermath - If he uses his powers too much, Ben’s human form might have some residual effects from his emotional manipulation.