Hex is a self-proclaimed "Master Magician" who has dedicated his life to mastering the lost art of magic and sorcery. He was banished from the realm of magic Ledgerdomain for being a tyrant, and thus strives to gain enough power to overthrow the King of Magic, Addwaita, and rule not only the realm, but Earth and beyond.
Hex is one of the most advanced sorcerers on Earth and Ledgerdomain. His magic is corrupted by his evil nature, hence why it’s red whereas normal magic/mana manipulation is pink.
The skull pattern on his face is a permanent tattoo.
Hex’s main goal is to obtain all five charms of Bazel, five powerful artefacts made by the first human magician, Bazel. Utilising their power to overthrow the benevolent Adddwaita and rule Ledgerdomain.
Despite being over 1000 years old, he has only found one charm, that being the Luck charm. He entrusts it to his niece Charmcaster.
During their summer road trip, the trio encounters Hex and Charmcaster. With Gwen becoming a rival and enemy of Hex due to her stealing the luck charm for a brief period of time.
A few months after Ben became a hero, Charmcaster unknowingly unlocked Gwen’s ability to use magic. Making her a far more physical opponent of Hex and slowly becoming one his most dangerous foes.
The supernatural is a blind spot of the Plumbers and they don’t have the jurisdiction or the experience to handle mystical opponents like Hex. The closest things that come to having authority over magic is Addwaita and the Secret Saturdays.
Despite able to use magic without it, Hex usually channels his powers through the Staff of Ages, which can only be wielded by a "master magician".
After years of abuse and neglect, Charmcaster eventually betrays Hex and joins to Tennysons as an ally. Teaming up to stop Hex once and for all for ruling Ledgerdomain. Her betrayal both angers and depresses Hex since deep down he truly did care for her.
Hex is generally power-hungry and will go to whatever lengths to increase his powers and mastery over magic. He is often ruthless and arrogant. Clearly unprepared to be a parental figure, Hex acts very harshly and abusive toward his own niece Charmcaster. Pressuring her to advance her magic skills and become his ward.