Hammer Head
Hammer Head is the Omnitrx’s DNA sample of a Sphydinian from the planet Conway.
Height - 8 Ft
Body - Humanoid Dinosaur
Indestructible Nose - Hammer Head’s nose is composed of a highly durable mineral. Lending it to withstand forceful impacts and strong materials. With this he can destroy a building in one swoop.
Momentum-Charged Durability - Hammer Head is physically unstoppable once he is running in motion, making him a literal juggernaut.
Battering Tail - Hammer Head can use his dinosaur-like tail to batter enemies and wreck areas.
Stopping Inability - Once Hammer Head is in motion, it is very difficult for him to stop.
Pushback - Hammer Head’s impact can knock him back depending on the durability of the material he’s hitting.