Gut Buster
Gut Buster is the Omnitrix’s DNA sample of an Eructon from the planet Swallawa.
Height - 12 Ft
Body - Bulbous Humanoid
Ultra-Sonic Belch - Gut Buster’s stomach emits a unique chemical compound that grants him the power to belch these gasses to cause shockwaves and send enemies flying. This burp can also shatter glass and crumble buildings.
Indestructible Teeth - Gut Buster possesses extremely durable teeth that can comp down pieces of concrete with ease. Eating more mass aids with his belching.
Enhanced Strength - Gut Buster’s large body makes him storing enough to lift a bus with full strength. Sinking his teeth into the ground will hold him there indefinitely.
Prehensile Tongue - He also possesses a stretchy yet durable tongue that he can use to grab matter and enemies.
Bystander Awareness - Gut Buster’s belches are hard to breathe in for normal humans. The gasses can overwhelm them and even knock them out.
Strong Smell - Not only does his breath smell, but he naturally produces an odor that is most unpleasant to normal noses.