Guster Buster
Guster Buster is the Omnitrx’s DNA sample of a Pluumfifi from the planet Invacuo.
Height - 7 Ft
Body - Humanoid Reptile
Aerokinesis - Guster Buster can project powerful gusts of air from the portholes on his hands. These blasts are strong enough to blow away a car across a town.
Vacuum Air Sacs - In turn, he can also suck in large amounts of air through the same portholes like a vacuum.
Aerokinetic Absorption - His vacuum suction can also absorb various objects to store within his sacs. The size of the objects can vary from small objects to things as large as chairs.
Air Sac Vulnerability - Guster Buster’s air sacs are a weak spot. If enemies strike them he will be in a considerable amount of pain.
Air Sac Absorption Limitations - Whilst he can store large objects in his sacs, there is a limit to how much they can store at any given time.
Originally Created by DomBombDiggity