Goop is the Omnitrix’s DNA sample of a Polymorph from the planet Viscosia.
Height - 6Ft (Variable)
Body - Amorphous Blob
Gelatinous Physiology - Goop is a 200 pound pile of slime that, with the help of his Anti-Gravity Projector, can stretch, bend and deform himself into any shape at will.
Slime Generation - Goop is able to generate and shoot slime from any part of his body. Either in continuous streams or in large blobs for acidic and adhesive effects.
Acidic Transformation - Goop is capable of control his PH level and thus make himself acidic. Melting and dissolving and large variety of materials.
Flight - Due to his Anti-Gravity Projector, Goop has the ability to fly and levitate at fair speeds. His Projector can control his slime body from almost 20 Feet away.
Anti-Gravity Projector - Goop is limited to the projector controlling his body. If it is separated from him by more than 20 feet, Goop's body collapses into an immobilized puddle until it recollects it.
Seperation - If fast enough, someone can repeatedly seperate Goop’s body faster than his projector can pull it back together, thus immobilising him.
EMP - If Goop's projector is struck by a strong electromagnetic pulse, it will shut down and leave Goop in a puddle until it's activated again.