
  • Fasttrack is the Omnitrix’s DNA sample of a Citrakayah from the planet Chalybeas.

    Height - 5 Ft 9 In

    Body - Humanoid Feline

  • Enhanced Speed - Fasttrack can sprint in short bursts up to a speed of mach 4, making it appear as if he's teleporting. Running on all four legs will allow him to reach speeds up to mach 10. Building this amount of kinetic energy allows him to hit things at a high velocity.

    Intangibility - By vibrating his molecules at the frequency of air, Fasttrack can physically pass through solid matter whilst he’s running.

    Enhanced Strength - He is incredibly strong for his frame, able to lift huge people whilst maintaining his speed.

    Sharp Claws - The claws on his hands and feet can be used to crawl on walls and slice concrete.

    Enhanced Senses - Fasttrack can track any kind of scent from miles a way. This combined with his speed makes him able to find almost anyone and anything. His hearing is also impeccable.

  • Overexertion - Fasttrack’s speed bursts are very brief as he needs to stop after a speed boost to recharge. If he performs almost 200 speed bursts in a row or exerts himself beyond a couple of minutes, he could pass out.

    Speed Control - If Fasttrack goes too fast, the momentum will overcome him and cause him to be unable to turn directions as well.

    Strong Aromas - His enhanced senses can be overwhelmed by strong scents.