Eye Guy
Eye Guy is the Omnitrix’s DNA sample of an Opticoid from the planet Sightra.
Height - 6 Ft 5 In
Body - Humanoid
Omnidirectional Vision - Eye Guy has at least 30 independent eyes surrounded on his upper body, granting him complete 360 degree vision and thus making it difficult to sneak up on him. He can also move his eyes anywhere on his body as well as combine them.
Optical Energy Beams - From any of the eyes on his torso, Eye Guy can launch various green energy beams. These beams can range plasma, fire, electricity, goop, and even freeze beams. The beam originating from his chest eye is the most powerful.
Enhanced Hearing - Eye Guy can hear from extremely far distances with his giant ears.
Enhanced Agility - Eye Guy is surprisingly agile for his frame, able to jump and flip pretty high as well as swing in tough obstacles.
Eye Irritation - Eye Guy's eyes can be irritated or damaged, which can leave him powerless and vulnerable. Because he has eyes over the majority of his body, he is more vulnerable to being exposed and hurt by irritants.
Sensitive Hearing - Eye Guy's ears make him very susceptible to loud sounds
Acid - Acids can burn his eyes, causing Eye Guy to become discombobulated for a moment.