DKR is the Omnitrx’s DNA sample of an Umbramorph from the planet Iklipsyami.
Height - 6 Ft (Variable)
Body - Spectre
Decomposition - DKR’s Skeleton constantly generates a unique smoke that deconstructs any object it touches to dust.
Mana Consumption - DKR has the ability to absorb and destroy raw mana, the life force of every object in the Universe.
Shadow Travel - DKR can teleport via shadows/darkness, merging into darkness and appearing anywhere else from the same element.
Shapeshifting - His smokey form allows to change his shape into anything he desires.
Blindness - Due to the lack of eyes, DKR cannot see and has to rely on its other senses and its host to be its eyes.
Light - Light weakens DKR, and it will resort to him dematerializing to his two-dimensional shadow.
Feral Nature - DKR has a vicious nature that cannot be controlled. If exposed to more darkness, DKR will become more ferocious.
Originally created by Captain Eon