Michael Mornigstar is a teenage human who gained the power to absorb energy and life force from being experimented on by his parents. At first he was inspired to be a hero and use his powers to help people, but with the more energy he absorbed, the more corrupt and power hungry he became. His full turn to the dark side was complete when he met Gwen Tennyson in high school, he thirsted for her magical power and tried to drain her dry. Gwen, Ben and Kevin eventually stopped him but he already absorbed enough mana to fully evolve into his darkest form, Darkstar.
Darkstar met Gwen when they were both 16-years-old. Before his turn, they dated for about a month, much to Kevin’s dismay.
Darkstar’s powers were a freak accident. Initially Michael’s scientist parents wanted to genetically enhance him to the peak human physical condition. But splicing his DNA with unknown alien material granted him this twisted power.
Darkstar initially just wanted power due to his hunger, but when he absorbed Gwen’s energy, he temporarily achieved his peak in a golden form. But it quickly faded away due to Ben and Gwen’s involvement and he became terribly scared and almost zombified. Resorting to wearing a mask at all times.
Since he was Gwen's first boyfriend, Kevin holds a special grudge towards him even after he and Gwen got together.
His parents were arrested by the plumbers for illegal alien/human experimentation and were sent to the Null Void. Michael had no knowledge of aliens or the plumbers until he met Ben.
When Michael was a kid and before he got his powers, he was a huge fan of all of the alien superheroes that continuously appeared on the News and saved the world. Believing that they’re some superhero team, this feuled his initial goal of being a hero. Little did he knew that all of those aliens were Ben.
Darkstar is vain, power hungry, and egotistical. Before his corruption, he wanted to be a genuine hero and started out with good intentions. But after his turn to becoming Darkstar, power and energy was all that consumed his mind. He views his victims as trophies and Gwen is his ultimate prize, stopping at nothing to absorb all of her strength and magic.