Clockwork is the Omnitrix’s DNA sample of a Chronosapien, one of the oldest species in the Universe from the planet Jikan.
Height - 8 Ft
Body - Robotic
Chronokinesis - Clockwork can manipulate time around himself to achieve various effects such as accelerating time to skip events or age targets, slowing down time around him to make it look like he’s moving at high speeds, stopping time to a halt and even rewinding/looping time in his general area.
Time Beams - He can shoot a beam of unique energy out of his hands and chest that can freeze whatever it hits in time.
Time Travel - He is capable of time travel, but this requires extreme concentration and a lot of practice of achieving this art.
Past/Future Projection - He can also show a projection of the past or future by turning the key on his head.
Metal Body - As he is more mechanical than biological, Clockwork is susceptible to electrical attacks to his copper body as well as electromagnetic pulses along with magnets.
Time Altering - His ability to time travel can derail the fabric of reality if used too often, whilst he can manipulate the time stream it is very dangerous to purposefully change it as it can have serious consequences for the future.
Slow Body - His big and heavy body makes him a slow runner.