Cloat is the Omnitrix’s DNA sample of a Leviddin from the planet Arabus.
Height - 10 Ft 5 In
Body - Carpet
Flight - Cloat is able to defy gravity, thus floating through the air at fair speeds. He is able to manoeuvre through the air with extreme precision, dodging and weaving with extreme agility.
Flat Body - Cloat’s body has very little depth, granting him the ability to slide through cracks in walls, hide by standing sideways, stick to walls, and slide under locked doors.
Enhanced Strength - Cloat can carry multiple people on his back, giving him the appearance of a magic carpet.
Weak Frame - Despite his strength, Cloat’s flat body can be easily overpowered by larger enemies.
Flammable Materials - His skin is extremely flammable, as the fire could spread over his entire body in seconds, causing him great pain.