Bullfrag is the Omnitrix’s DNA sample of an Incursion from an uncharted destroyed planet.
Height - 7 Ft 5 In
Body - Humanoid
Prehensile Tongue - Bullfrag has a long and sticky prehensile tongue which he can use as a grappling line or to hit a distant target. His tongue is strong enough to hold a car.
Enhanced Strength - Due to being the prime specimen of an Incursion, Bullfrag is incredibly strong for his species. As he is strong enough to lift multiple people in the air with ease.
Enhanced Agility - Bullfrag is capable of jumping several meters off the ground due to his frog like biology.
Chest Inflation - Bullfrag can inflate his chest to repel enemies or for gaining momentum to jump. He can hold his breath for long periods of time through this.
Strong Smells - Bullfrag is extremely sensitive to strong aromas, he could be incapacitated if the smell is strong enough
Stretched Tongue - Bullfrag's tongue hurts if it is stretched over 30 metres.
Sensitive Eyes - Bullfrag's eyes are incredibly sensitive to normal light and they could burn if they're exposed. His visor darkens everything and helps maintain normal vision.