Bright Neon
Bright Neon is the Omnitrx’s DNA sample of a Neonic Elemanite from the planet Xeo-Mazua.
Height - 6 Ft
Body - Multi-Limbed Humanoid
Neon Manipulation - Bright Neon can generate a unique slime from his skin that glows in a variety of colours. This neon goop can charge up to explode and melt steel.
Protoplasm Nullification - His neon goop can nullify/counter invisibility and intangibility by being applied to a target.
Multiple Limbs - Bright Neon has four arms on his upper body, allowing granting him advanced combat.
Wall Scaling - Bright Neon can climb walls thanks to the his hands being covered in neon goop.
Water - High amounts of water can wash away the neon compound off a target if concentrated in high enough pressure and amount.
Electricity - High amounts of electricity can short out his neon goop.
Originally Created by Crystal Bear Wingblazer