Bob N’ Blob
Bob N' Blob is the Omnitrix’s DNA sample of a Capitas Dous from the Planet Polozel'nyy.
Height - 4 Ft 2 In
Body - Multi-Headed Slug
Two Brains - Bob N’ Blob are two separate conscious beings conjoined to one body. The right head is overly positive and optimistic, dubbing this head “Bob”. The left head is overtly negative and pessimistic, dubbing this head “Blob”. Dividing two separate personalities can lead to interesting perspectives and ideas.
Adhesive Skin - Bob N’ Blob’s skin secretes an adhesive slime that allows him to stick to almost any surface. He can extend this secretion into actual slime that he can throw as glue.
Boneless Body - Bob N’ Blob has no bones, therefore granting him great flexibility and elasticity.
Slow Speed - Bob N’ Blob has no legs, so when he does move he’s very slow, his top speed is only 10 m/ph before tiring.
Lack of Combat - Combining his body type and his conflicting personalities, he is a very insufficient fighter, so he is pretty much useless in one on one combat.
Argumentative - Both heads are very divisive and hardly agree on anything, leading to distracting arguments which can overtake situations.