Blukic and Driba
Blukic and Driba are Galvan Technicians who were stationed to Earth by the plumbers after the Highbreed War ended. They assist the Plumbers and Team Tennyson with weaponry, gadgets, and advanced alien technology. Despite their below-average Galvan intelligence, they became valued members of Ben’s team.
Blukic is the mechanical engineer of the two, building weapons and hardware as well as repairing things. Driba is the more technical/mathematical genius of the two, coming up with theories, equations and ideas for anything.
The two are considered remarkably unintelligent by Galvan standards. The Galvan are normally restrictive when it comes to allowing their citizens to work for other planets, but Blukic and Driba were obvious exceptions.
Despite their dumb-genius nature, they are leagues smarter than most humans on Earth.
Blukic and Driba often argue and compete against each other, which always gets in the way of their work.
When Ben transforms into Grey Matter, he is smarter than Blukic and Driba combined.
The two were hesitant to transfer to Earth due to it being far away from home. But once they tasted Mr Smoothie smoothies, they never wanted to leave the planet.
Blukic and Driba have unintentionally affected Earth’s history multiple times. Such as inventing the light bulb, giving Albert Einstein the idea of General Relativity, and being the very aliens to be captured in Roswell, New Mexico.
Blukic and Driba share a superiority complex in regards to Galvan intelligence, which causes them to often disregard the input of others. They are also both very argumentative, and can usually never agree on doing anything a certain way. Despite their setbacks, they want to help people as much as possible and prove that they can help protect the Universe.