Blitzwolfer is the Omnitrix’s DNA sample of a Loboan from the moon Luna Lobo.
Height - 8 Ft 5 In
Body - Humanoid Canine
Enhanced Strength - Blitzwolfer is a were-wolf like alien that is incredibly strong. Able to throw cars and carry multiple people whilst jumping. His claws are sharp enough to tear through metal and slice concrete.
Enhanced Senses - Blitzwolfer has enhanced smelling and hearing, giving him great tracking and detection abilities. He also possesses night vision.
Ultra-sonic Howl - Blitzwolfer can emit a powerful ultrasonic howl by separating his jaw into four. This can also be used to reflect incoming projectiles and can even be used to propel himself upwards as a form of propulsion. It's strong enough to break rocks or metal.
High Pitched Noises - Blitzwolfer has sensitive hearing and therefore, he cannot handle loud noises like that of giant bells or. sonic emitters.
Forced Muzzle - Blitzwolfer cannot use his sonic howl if his muzzle is forced shut by something.
Blitzwolfer with his muzzle open